Wappen der Familie Wallenstein
Awarded to Hammonds Regiment by the
Imperial City of Memmingen, Bavaria
Hammond's are extremely proud of this medal which was presented to our Regiment in
the 'Rathaus' - the City Hall in July 2012. The medal is 158mm in diameter, cast in pewter.
On the front we have the Arms of Wallenstein, along with the inscription
Wappen der Familie Wallenstein
On the back of the medal we have the Arms of the City of Memmingen along the inscription
Historiche Woche Memmingen
the 'Rathaus' - the City Hall in July 2012. The medal is 158mm in diameter, cast in pewter.
On the front we have the Arms of Wallenstein, along with the inscription
Wappen der Familie Wallenstein
On the back of the medal we have the Arms of the City of Memmingen along the inscription
Historiche Woche Memmingen