Hammond's Non-Commissioned Officers
The Officers of any regiment are the key to maintaining morale and a rolling programme of improving drill and kit presentation - usually leading by example!
These guys are hardcore Hammonds. You tend to find that we have very few members that transfer out of the regiment - after all where are you going to find anything better? All of the Non-commissioned Officers shown below are 100% committed to the regiment - they have to be to maintain their authority in the sight of the blocks they command. We all work together to make Hammond's the best we can, because we all share the same ideals.
Regimental NCO's
Regimental Elder Sergeant Andrew Courtney-Thompson
Andrew's role is like the modern day Regimental Sergeant Major. Each regiment is only allowed one Elder Sergeant - a sort of 'super-soldier' with experience in all arms and all standards of drill. As in the case of an RSM, Andrew is also responsible for the presentation of the men on parade.
Andrew has been in Hammond's since the late Eighties and is a valued and committed member of the regiment. He has long service in the Pike Division and also owns, runs and works on the Regimental Canon - Sweaty Betty. He also has a great deal of experience in terms of Living History, costume, cooking and its associated skills.
His wide experience of all arms means that he can focus on all aspects of the Regiment in terms of its drills, presentation and equipment.
Andrew has been in Hammond's since the late Eighties and is a valued and committed member of the regiment. He has long service in the Pike Division and also owns, runs and works on the Regimental Canon - Sweaty Betty. He also has a great deal of experience in terms of Living History, costume, cooking and its associated skills.
His wide experience of all arms means that he can focus on all aspects of the Regiment in terms of its drills, presentation and equipment.