Regimental Adjutant
Lyn Webb-Morris
The Regimental Adjutant is an important part of the organisation of a Regiment; he/she is in effect the personal staff officer of the Commanding officer and as such has the authority of that officer when acting for them. The position is open to members of the Sealed Knot, Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment, and must be over 18 years of age; the Regimental Adjutant takes on the following important duties:
A full record to be kept of all rank and file in the Regiment so that the CO has an up to date overview of numbers, appointments and ranks at all times or if requested further up the army chain. Any changes throughout the year of rank and/or appointments must be updated immediately, and a note kept of gazetting in Orders of the Day.
Forms for recommendations for appointments, honours and promotions must be sent via the army chain to the Chief of staff if processed by the Adjutant/membership secretary for the Regiment or a copy to be sent to the Adjutant/membership secretary who must wait for approval before records are updated.
When members transfer between Regiments all appointments and rank are automatically lost, unless the accepting CO has a particular reason for in wishing to maintain an officer with an agreed rank. The CO then submits a recommendation to the next senior officer on the transfer form as to why he/she wishes the rank to be maintained. Careful scrutiny must be made of these transfers and subsequently renewals as this is often where errors can occur.
The Regimental Adjutant will prepare quarterly Reports for posting to members of Colonel Robert Hammond's Regiment of Foote with their copy of England’s Birthright
- Maintaining accurate records of the Regiment.
- Advising the membership Secretary, sometimes through a Regimental membership secretary, of any changes.
- Issuing Regimental Orders on behalf of the CO.
- Handling routine correspondence.
- Effective, efficient and early renewal returns- promptly and without mistakes (which will include checking that cheques are signed, for the correct amount, payable to Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment, and passed efficiently to the Treasurer for cashing as soon as possible etc).
- Membership activates and terminates annually in September with a three months grace renewal, this period running from October to December of the same year. (In line with Sealed Knot requirements that renewal memberships are supported by a Regimental Cheque - The Regimental Adjutant shall request a Regimental cheque from the Regimental Treasurer for each batch of renewals, one each at the end of September, October and November and issue to the Membership Secretary for processing).
- When SKF25’s are submitted, these need to be closely scrutinised for errors or changes, and the SKF10 is then completed, and posted with a Regimental Cheque to the Membership Secretary – one for each batch at the end of September, October and November.
- All forms submitted with a SAE to be returned to the Regimental Adjutant/membership secretary of the Regiment.
- Renewing members should be encouraged to complete gift aid section of the form prior to returning form back to the Regimental Adjutant/membership secretary
- Non renewing members should be chased- the target for re-joins should be a minimum target of 85%
- On card return, all cards to be checked to ensure details are correct including ranks, any errors to be immediately notified to the CO, membership secretary for the SK, and the Chief of Staff of the Army
A full record to be kept of all rank and file in the Regiment so that the CO has an up to date overview of numbers, appointments and ranks at all times or if requested further up the army chain. Any changes throughout the year of rank and/or appointments must be updated immediately, and a note kept of gazetting in Orders of the Day.
Forms for recommendations for appointments, honours and promotions must be sent via the army chain to the Chief of staff if processed by the Adjutant/membership secretary for the Regiment or a copy to be sent to the Adjutant/membership secretary who must wait for approval before records are updated.
When members transfer between Regiments all appointments and rank are automatically lost, unless the accepting CO has a particular reason for in wishing to maintain an officer with an agreed rank. The CO then submits a recommendation to the next senior officer on the transfer form as to why he/she wishes the rank to be maintained. Careful scrutiny must be made of these transfers and subsequently renewals as this is often where errors can occur.
The Regimental Adjutant will prepare quarterly Reports for posting to members of Colonel Robert Hammond's Regiment of Foote with their copy of England’s Birthright