Executive Committee
This committee is concerned with all matters relating to the financial performance, social events and the welfare of all members of this regiment. Press the buttons to find out about each role.
Working within Sealed Knot Disciplinary Procedures, the committee will work to continually improve the organisation, presentation and social character of Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment of Foote. However, despite having been elected to formal roles within the committee, all members shall commit to support each other in all aspects of the work of the committee, and when particularly heavy workloads befall one member; all shall endeavour to support and provide physical assistance at that time. There is no place for individuals to bear a heavy workload in isolation – all members of the committee shall bear the work between them as much as is possible. The role of the Executive Committee shall be to consider the following areas, and other issues which may from time to time be asked of them:
The Executive Committee has responsibility for all issues relating to the social and financial performance of the regiment. As the members of this committee are elected biannually by the regiment they have authority to spend regimental funds, with the agreement of the Commanding Officer. All spending requests within the regiment must be directed to the Executive Committee for approval. The Commanding Officer will attend the Executive Committee by invitation only. However, the Commanding Officer reserves the right to veto any decision made by the Executive Committee where he feels it may conflict with the interests of the Regiment or the rules of The Sealed Knot (under his responsibilities as a Commanding Officer as shown on page 8 item 4 under Duties of an Officer – REFER TO APPENDIX B). The commanding Officer also retains the right and privilege to remove members from the Executive Committee at his own discretion – in this situation an extra-ordinary general meeting will called at the next available Major Muster and an election for a replacement will be held. The Commanding Officer must have reasonable grounds for removing any member of the Executive Committee.
The committee is reminded that it must always be mindful that any decisions they make are in the name of the Commanding Officer as the sole person with responsibility for the actions of the entire regiment.
The following positions shall be available to the members of Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment, and each elected post, while enjoying the confidence of the Commanding Officer will be for a period of two years: Regimental Chairman, Regimental Adjutant, Regimental Treasurer, Quartermaster, Social Secretary, and Camp & Baggage Master. The eligibility for each of these positions is restricted to those aged 18years or over, members of the Sealed Knot and Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment of Foote. Elections for each position will be held at an Annual General Meeting which will be held at the first Sealed Knot Major Muster of the year.
- Financial prudency in meeting the battlefield equipment demands of the fighting troops of Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment.
- The correct and timely preparation of all Sealed Knot documentation in relation to the regiment, its officers, promotions and demotions, and all duties as described in the job descriptions listed below.
- The correct and regular accounting of regimental funds within the rules and guidance issued by the Sealed Knot Society.
- To prepare regular social functions ranging from small parties at regimental events through to formal Regimental Banquets.
- Consider and recommend instances that require reward either at Society or Regimental level, to the Commanding Officer, especially for non-military contributions to the regiment.
The Executive Committee has responsibility for all issues relating to the social and financial performance of the regiment. As the members of this committee are elected biannually by the regiment they have authority to spend regimental funds, with the agreement of the Commanding Officer. All spending requests within the regiment must be directed to the Executive Committee for approval. The Commanding Officer will attend the Executive Committee by invitation only. However, the Commanding Officer reserves the right to veto any decision made by the Executive Committee where he feels it may conflict with the interests of the Regiment or the rules of The Sealed Knot (under his responsibilities as a Commanding Officer as shown on page 8 item 4 under Duties of an Officer – REFER TO APPENDIX B). The commanding Officer also retains the right and privilege to remove members from the Executive Committee at his own discretion – in this situation an extra-ordinary general meeting will called at the next available Major Muster and an election for a replacement will be held. The Commanding Officer must have reasonable grounds for removing any member of the Executive Committee.
The committee is reminded that it must always be mindful that any decisions they make are in the name of the Commanding Officer as the sole person with responsibility for the actions of the entire regiment.
The following positions shall be available to the members of Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment, and each elected post, while enjoying the confidence of the Commanding Officer will be for a period of two years: Regimental Chairman, Regimental Adjutant, Regimental Treasurer, Quartermaster, Social Secretary, and Camp & Baggage Master. The eligibility for each of these positions is restricted to those aged 18years or over, members of the Sealed Knot and Colonel Robert Hammond’s Regiment of Foote. Elections for each position will be held at an Annual General Meeting which will be held at the first Sealed Knot Major Muster of the year.